Happy Masterpiece Monday beautiful people! I am so very grateful to connect with you today. God is faithful and his mercies endure forever. Having no other choice but to rest and get better over the last ten days caused me to do a lot of thinking. I reflected on so much but the one thing that I want to share with you today is about giving more focus to what you’ve been called to. There are too many of us giving our attention and time to being a spectator to the lives of others. Volunteering to sit on the sideline causes envy, misguided desire and wasted time. It’s time to shift your mindset and to get your head in the game! Consider yourself drafted onto the winning team during March Madness. Now the question remains, will you show up and play your position or will you choose to sit on the bench? Having trouble keeping your head in the game? Schedule your free 30-minute Mastermind session with me to chat about ways that I can help you to get focused. The time is now!
#masterpiecemonday #gratefullness #godisfaithful #hismercyenduresforever #restdoesabodygood #reflections #fixyourfocus #whatareyoucalledto #timeandattention #nomorespectatorship #noenvy #misguideddesire #stopwastingtime #mindsetshift #mindsetdisruptor #getyourheadinthegame #marchmadness #willyoushowup #playyourposition #purpose #mastermind #themasterpieceproject